Strategic Partnership


Strategic Partnership

Industry and Startups

Innovation Catalyst:

Collaboration between established industries and EV startups acts as a catalyst for innovation in electric vehicle manufacturing.

Resource Synergy:

Established manufacturers contribute extensive resources, manufacturing expertise, and market reach, while startups bring disruptive technologies, agility, and a fresh perspective.

Agility and Nimbleness:

Startups' agility accelerates the development and adoption of cutting-edge EV technologies, complementing the stability and experience of traditional industry players.

Knowledge Transfer:

The partnership facilitates a symbiotic relationship, fostering knowledge transfer between established manufacturers and startups, driving continuous industry evolution.

Sustainable Evolution:

Industry-startup collaboration in EV manufacturing is pivotal in creating more efficient, environmentally friendly, and economically viable solutions, aligning with the growing demand for sustainable transportation.

Government and Industries

Government designs strategic initiatives and policies to simulate the growth of the industries. It offers incentives, financial support and regulatory frameworks to entrepreneurs and corporations to invest in various technology domains.


EV sector, for instance, governments provide subsidies for electric vehicle manufacturing, tax breaks for sustainable energy projects, and support for research and development initiatives aimed at enhancing energy efficiency.
TeclinkUp enables the collaborative efforts between government entities and industries extend beyond mere financial support, involving the development of infrastructure, formulation of clear regulatory guidelines, and the creation of a conducive environment for innovation.

Academic and Industries

Research and Development

The collaboration facilitates joint research projects between academia and industry. This synergy often leads to the development of new technologies, products, and processes, with academia providing the intellectual framework and industry offering the necessary resources for experimentation and implementation.

Internships and Training

Academic-industry collaboration often involves internship programs and training opportunities for students. This hands-on experience allows students to apply their academic knowledge in a practical setting, while industries get access to fresh perspectives and potential future employee.

Workforce Development

Industries benefit from the collaboration by gaining access to a skilled and well-educated workforce. Academic programs can be tailored to meet industry needs, ensuring that graduates possess the relevant skills and knowledge required in the professional landscape.